Acupuncture FAQs
Acupuncture can be an extremely powerful low risk option to resolve many common health issues. When prescription drugs or surgery represent the choices a patient has for a treatment plan, acupuncture can be a viable alternative. Acupuncture combined with dietary and lifestyle adjustments can significantly reduce or resolve many common health issues. Instead of a patient relying on migraine medication to cope with the symptoms of an attack, acupuncture and learning better self care can often resolve the causative factor creating the migraine. Health issues such as premenstrual syndrome, digestive disturbance, insomnia and emotional strain can all be addressed by treating the constitution of the patient. Acupuncture can also be very effective in the management of chronic pain and represent a valuable alternative to a life time of pain medication and/or surgery. In cases where the pain is severe and enduring, acupuncture can significantly reduce the amount of pain medication required to provide relief.
The objectives are to:
- Relieve pain and other distressing symptoms
- Strengthen the immune system
- Balance and harmonize the systems of the body so they can work well together as a whole
- Reduce overall stress and anxiety levels
According to the World Health Organization and the National Institute of Health , acupuncture is useful in the treatment of:
- Disorders of bones, muscles, joints and nerves such as Bells’s palsy, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, neuralgias, migraines, dizziness, low back pain, neck and shoulder pain, headaches, spine pain, sciatica, muscle spasms, facial spasm, numbness and tingling, fibromyalgia and fascitis
- Sleep and stress disorders such as insomnia and fatigue.
- Circulatory disorders such as hypertension, hypotension, angina, pulmonary heart disease, cardiac neurosis, palpations, atheroschlerosis, and anemia.
- Gastrointestinal disorders such as food allergies, abdominal pain, peptic ulcers, constipation, chronic diarrhea, indigestion, anorexia, gastritis, nausea and vomiting, biliary colic, dysentery, ulcerative colitis and irritable colon syndrome.
- Gynecological disorders such as irregular, heavy, or painful menses, PMS, polycystic ovary syndrome, fibrocystic breast disease, menopause, morning sickness, malposition of fetus, induction of labor, infertility, herpes zoster, hypo-ovarianism, and lactation deficiency
- Urogenital disorders such as stress incontinence, urinary tract infections, retention of urine, renal colic, prostatitis, and sexual dysfunction.
- Respiratory disorders such as emphysema, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, allergies, and bronchitis.
- Endocrine disorders such as diabetes, hypo/hyperthyroidism, and obesity.
- Addictions such as alcohol, nicotine, drug and food addiction.
- Depression including depressive neurosis, chemical or otherwise.
- Skin disorders such as acne vulgaris, pruritus and neurodermatitis.
- Myofascial pain including crainomandibular disorders and temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ).
- Stroke rehabilitation
- Postoperative pain
- Performance enhancement such as athletic and strength assistance.
- Supportive therapy for many other chronic and painful debilitating disorders.
- Adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy Dental pain and temporomandibular dysfunction
Acupuncture needles are very fine, flexible needles, no bigger around than the width of a human hair or piece of thread. The insertion of the needle is very gentle and produces little or no sensation at all. When the needle makes contact with your Chi, you may feel a “Chi” sensation such as warmth, expansion or heaviness. These are good sensations and a sign that the body is responding to the treatment. Most first time patients are surprised how comfortable and relaxed they feel during their treatment.
Your first appointment will take an hour and a half. We will discuss the details of your current health concerns and health history. I will also read your tongue and wrist pulses before beginning your treatment. Your return visits will take approximately one hour. Before each treatment we will talk briefly about your progress as well as reading your tongue and pulses. Most patients rest with their needles in for 30 minutes though treatment time may vary depending on your specific needs.
The tongue and pulses are windows into the state of your overall health and quality of your Chi. The size, coating and moisture content of your tongue reveal information about your organ systems and their related meridians. (Please do not brush your tongue before a treatment.) The quality of your pulses reveal excess, deficiency and stagnation of your meridians. The tongue and pulses combined with your overall presentation and what you tell me create a specific picture of the kind of treatment you need that day.
Each patient is different. Acute problems tend to experience some relief right away while chronic conditions may respond more slowly. In general, 2 to 4 treatments per week for 8 to 16 treatments are required before significant relief can be experienced for chronic conditions. Many of the conditions patients suffer from did not appear over night. Much of the time the illness gradually developed over time and only when the symptoms begin to interfere with daily life do we seek treatments. Thus, resolving the illness may also take some time. Some patients respond favorably after only one or two treatments. Some may not improve at all until the eighth or ninth treatment. Others still may require two or three treatments per week for several months for maximum results. The key to remember is that these treatments are helping your body restore necessary balance at your pace.
Yes! For your protection, the laws governing acupuncturists require us to follow strict safety measures regarding needles. I use only single use, sterilized needles that are manufactured, packaged and shipped in strict compliance with these laws.
My practice in St. Petersburg, Florida uses the ancient art of acupuncture to meet the needs of modern day patients. List of Common Conditions Acupuncture can treat:
- Addictions (alcohol, nicotine, food, drug)
- Allergies
- Ankle Swelling
- Arm and Shoulder Pain
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Back Pain
- Bed Wetting
- Blood Pressure -high or low
- Bronchial Conditions
- Bursitis
- Carpal Tunnels Syndrome
- Circulation, Poor
- Colds
- Colitis
- Colon, Spastic
- Constipation
- Cough, Chronic
- Depression
- Detox for Chemical Dependency
- Diarrhea
- Disc Problems
- Diverticulitis
- Dizziness (Vertigo)
- Emphysema
- Fatigue, Chronic
- Feet, Cold
- FibromyalgiaFlu
- Gall Bladder Disorders
- Gas
- Gynecological Dysfunctions
- Hay Fever
- Headache
- Heart Problems
- Hemorrhoids
- Hiccoughs
- Hip Pain
- Immune System Deficiency
- Indigestion
- Infertility
- Injuries- Auto, Home, Work, Sports
- Insomnia
- Joint Pain
- Kidney Problems
- Knee Pain
- Leg Pain, Cramps, Tingling, Numbness
- Liver Problems
- Neck, Stiff, Painful
- Nervousness
- Neuralgia
- Pain
- Pleurisy
- Pre Menstrual Syndrome
- Prostate Problems
- Rheumatism
- Sciatica
- Shingles
- Shoulder Pain
- Sinus Trouble
- Skin Problems
- Sports Injuries
- Stomach Problems
- Sore Throat
- Thyroid Conditions
- Ulcers, Stomach
- Urinary Problems
- Whiplash

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